Familiar with the carry problems of the endless growing amount of everyday carry devices? Phone (5´´ what else?), earphones or should we say Airphones, extra battery pack, wallet, documents, more keys that you ever thought you need to carry every day, card holders, maybe a 2nd phone or a small tablet, cigarettes or e-cigarettes, pens, glasses, personal things, chewing gums, some extra coins etc.
See our 3 best everyday carry heroes to store them all: basicHolster, businessHolster and tabletHolster. Depending on the amount of your everyday carry these 3 shoulder holsters are perfect to solve the problem. It starts with the smallest one the basicHolster, the businessHolster is a comfortable everyday solution and the double sided tabletHolster will surely cover all your needs. The unmistakable URBAN TOOL design of the holsters is super comfortable to wear and easy to operate. The overlapping and self-closing pockets extend their size to the content and are even operable with one hand. Ergonomic cut and adjustable size ensure perfect fit, the holsters are machine washable. Extra features like key chains with retractable key-yoyo or backside zippered pockets complete the holsters to real every day carry heroes!