Bags! There are endless designs and bags on the market. Small, big, exclusive, excellent, outstanding, conventional.
So why establishing a new bag label?
Already several years ago we noticed that like in the fashion industry the bags and accessories market is driven mainly by conventional patterns and long-term established categories, shapes, designs. There isn´t hardly any real new development or innovation regarding function or new bag categories. Duffle bags, totes, backpacks, purses all well-known types only designs, colors and details change.
If we look closer to our daily lives aka the place where we use and need bags, we find the total opposite! More than ever our lives and daily routines have changed rapidly the last years. Endless mobile electronic devices and their accessories have been developed and have filled our bags. Fashionable gadgets of high self-expression value filled with sensitive data and used from excessively to addictively bring totally new demands to bags. Super flexible and mobile lifestyles deliver even more challenging demands towards bags.
So this is our aim to develop new and innovative bags that can satisfy these new demands.
Forward thinking concept
New bags have to focus mainly on carrying and protecting mobile electronics. Sure you will carry also other daily indispensables like wallet or keys but the main focus will be on how to store your cellphone, tablet, computer comfortable and secure.
Hands free gadgets safe
High valuable gadgets are carried in our bags so a close to body and anti-theft design of the bags is necessary. You will want to carry your bag always without removing the bag from your body, so these new bags have to stay close to your body and have to liberate your hands and arms. That´s why our bags are designed to be operated with one hand only.
So forget the endless bags that pile up in your closet. The new class of bags are forward thinking, sophisticated and look more like they belong to a person who knows what they need for their daily life. With our bags you feel comfortable, secure and prepared. You will want to carry them all day, everyday.