Back to our roots – ISPO brand new award


Since our start URBAN TOOL has a special relationship with the ISPO fair and ISPO brand new award in Munich Germany. The innovative and inspiring start-up competition “Brand New Award” at the world’s biggest sports fair was the starting point for URBAN TOOL in 2004 when we won the award in the category Sports Accessories.
Since then we always followed this award and the winning projects and companies closely, as it is one of the most inspiring awards worldwide. And 2016 is special because Sabrina Tanner, co-founder of URBAN TOOL was involved into the competition as jury member.
Here some behind the scenes pictures and a personal summary of the jury meeting for the ISPO Brand New Award 2016.

“When the meeting started at 8:30 in the morning and I entered the room with over 150 products preselected out of the357 applications for the 2016 award, I was overwhelmed. How will we ever be able to evaluate and judge so many projects in so little time? Well I took one more coffee and then I started my first round through the huge hall. Bikes, surfboards, fashion, accessories, food, software and hardware all well-presented and prepared by the ISPO Brand New Staff queued up in several lines. Thank god we had a nice app on our iPads with all relevant information, which made the selection and judging so much easier”

The individual professional backgrounds and the personal experiences as athletes, consumer and business man and women were leading the intense discussion on each single project. But it was also so much fun testing all the new and innovative products, crazy new bikes, one wheelers and other breakneck sports gears. (Un)fortunately I still suffered from an ankle injury those day so my personal testing possibilities were quiet limited.

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At the end of a long and intense day we were able to announce the winners and finalists for this year’s ISPO Brand New Award concordantly. All in all a number of innovative and forward looking concepts and ideas have made it and it proves once more that sports industry is a driving force for innovation and that new segments and new sports are still to be developed.”

See all IPSO Brand New Winners

See all IPSO Brand New Finalists

Jury Meeting Summary